Your Price: $ 75.00
Item Number: 7182 |
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Circa: 1950-1970 Manufacturer: Bitossi, Italy, Bagnoli, Aldo Londi
This vase stands 7 inches tall and is 3 inches wide at the mouth. It is done in the Brutalist manner of the late 1950s-early 1970s. The surface of the terra cotta vase is covered with a chocolate base glaze over which a spattered layer of glazed was added to add texture over which the colors have been applied, with thick black lines outlining the colored sections. A bland band is at the bottom and the top Above the bottom black band there is a band of black diagonal lines. A very abstract bird with orange eye and tail circles the vase. The body of the bird is done in yellow with black lines separating the yellow sections. The same horizontal aquamarine color band outlined in black can be seen in three different places on the vase.
The vase is in excellent condition. The piece is signed simply in capital leters MADE IN ITALY with a sans serif font as opposed to the Toscany pieces with a serif font for the word Italy.
This funky and retro Mid-century pottery was probably made in Italy by the Toscany Company, of Empoli Italy. Empoli is a town in Tuscany about 20 miles south of Florence. Empoli is also not far from Montelupo, a famous center of Italian pottery made for export to the United States. The silver label seen on identical pieces seems to be restricted to the 1945-1970 time period.
Another possibility is that it is from the studio of Bruno Bagnoli, who worked for Bitossi at Montelupo. Perhaps lesser known here in the United States than Aldo Londi, he nonetheless is well represented in Italy. His work can be seen on pages 160-161 in the book titled Novecento Ceramiche Italiane, Volume 2, by Emanuele Gaudenzi.
Add it to your Midcentury Pottery collection today. This would look stunning on a McCobb, Parzinger or Eames piece. |
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