Your Price: $ 80.00
Item Number: 6167 |
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Circa: 1960-1961 Manufacturer: Annemarie Davidson, Sierra Madre, California
Annemarie Davidson (1920-2012) learned her enameling craft first from the great Doris Hall (1907-2001) in Cambridge, MA in 1957. In California she continued her studies with Curtis Tann. Her combination of geometric and organic form in her designs culminated in her most celebrated abstract designs, her Jewel line which features pieces of glass used to create free-form organic shapes which she calls Jewels. She also uses a sgraffito technique, incising straight lines from the center of her plate with the sharp point of a dart. Now in her late 80s, she no longer produces work today as of 2011 I have been told.
This 9 inch diameter low bowl, most likely from the 1960-1961 time period, is a good example of an earlier piece as it does not features the lines usually found in the Jewel line. It also has a very unusual arrangement to the glass Jewels. This plate features 3 large yellow gold jewels separated by 3 smaller light and darker pumpkin orange jewels, all symmetrically arranged on the plate in a triangle between each major Jewel. This particular example is unusual in that the two colors of jewels used are not in high contrast to each other as on many of her pieces.
The back of the plate has the remnants of the gold paper label and is signed with her charcteristic AD interwined intiial. The label would have read Annemarie Davidson handcrafted enamels Sierra Madre California. Every piece was handcrafted by her alone, from start to finish. This particular signature is an earlier one based on the fact that the curves at the right top of the letter D are not perfectly square as on her later signatures.
It is in very good vintage condition with just two tiny areas of rim roughness. It is a scarce piece from her early period.
The work of Annemarie Davidson was included in the seminal exhibit titled Painting with Fire which opened in Jan 2007 at the Long Beach Museum of Art. She was one of 30 enamelists included with a one page entry on her life and work. Her page is page 266 of the catalogue. |
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