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1967 Chevrolet Corvette $10.48
Vintage Pin Brooch 1/80 18K RGP, 3... $12.50
Lily Bouquet Jenny's Bonnet Ideal Book... $12.00
Trains Magazine May 1976 Old Reliable $15.99
Life Magazine-March 29, 1954-Pat... $15.49
Railroad Model Craftsman Magazine... $15.99
The Phonograph Postcard by National... $11.49
Noritake Porcelain China Laureate... $14.95
The China Decorator - April 1986 $10.33
Saturday Evening Post Magazine -... $18.49
Rolling Stone Magazine August 8, 1996... $17.49
Antique Dithridge Vanity Tray Ray End $15.50
Early American Prescut EAPC 12 Inch... $12.00
1952 Hi-Lili, Hi-Lo Sheet Music $10.99
Mikasa Amy Creamer And Sugar Bowl Set $24.00
1991 Log Cabin Syrup with Little Boy &... $12.49
Leslie Magazine February 8, 1917... $22.49
Doll Crafter - May-June 1987 $12.88